Populous Buildings

Hut: This is the basic unit for a Matak brave, inside this building braves produce mana and procreate like rabbits. This building takes three units of wood to build.

Warrior Training Hut: Braves train inside this building to become warriors. During training the braves grow big muscles and on graduation day, they each get a sword and a shield.

Fire Warrior Training Hut: Braves train inside this building to become fire warriors. A fire warrior endure great discomfort by holding burning chunks of napalm. Most applicants of the training program are braves, however we get the occasional warrior who's going through a mid-life crisis.

Preacher Training Hut: This building is responsible for the education of preachers. And in the Matak tribe, it also serves as church on sunday.

Spy Hut: Spies are trained in this building, where they learn the fine arts of espionage and sabotage. No tribe is complete without thing kind of training center.

Tower: Towers are defensize structures which can house any follower.

Boat House: This building attracts the finest naval engineers of the Matak culture. Boats constructed here can hold five people and circumnavigate and oceanic world in only minutes.

Ballon Construction Hut: This hi-tech structure is the crowning acheivement of tribal science and technology. Employing scores of scientists, areospace engineers, and military personnel, the ballon hut produce flying ballons that can reach anywhere on any world with pin-point precision. On the world of Gremolock, the Blue Shaman anihilated the Dakini settlement by having a spy fly a ballon over the Dakini base, then teleporting herself into that ballon to unleash the mighty volcano spell upon the settlement.

Prison Hut: The Matak Shaman discovered a special coating which completely neutralizes the magnetic field of anything that it encloses. Matak scientists constructed a building of woven steel which acts as a faraday cage which blocks electric fields. Matak engineers covered the building with this coating and entraped the Blue Shamen within it. Because a Shaman casts a spell by emitting an electro-magnetic signal from her wand, the blockage of both types of fields effectively disables the magical powers of any shamen imprisoned within it. Unfortunately elite navy seals of the blue tribe rescued their shaman, destroyed the building, and burned all blue-prints of this technological marvel.